I’m asked quite frequently for my opinion or product reviews. I sincerely enjoy research so it’s no uncommon to spend weeks researching one product before purchasing. I’m additionally a professional reviewer on Amazon, an Amazon Associate and Amazon Influencer.
Throughout the month – Amazon sends various products (free) to review in exchange for honest feedback. These items are matched to my shopping history, review patterns and browsing algorithm .
The last week – I was sent multiple direct messages asking my opinion or product review for dishwashers, robot vacuums, toys and more. The week before it was pressure cookers and coffee makers.
So, I’m trying something new and will dedicate Thursdays to review products using Facebook Live. It will save me time and the information can be shared easily. It’s simply taking too long to answer individual questions regarding my “favorites”. You know how important it is to support
Making a purchase decision can be overwhelming so I understand why people drag their feet. There are additionally a LOT of fake reviews on Amazon. It’s a huge problem they are trying to address. People don’t know what to believe anymore!
I will do my product reviews using Facebook Live on Thursday’s around 1:30 PST. I will review something sent (by Amazon) or review a product someone has specifically requested.
- Robot Vacuums: ROOMBA vs. Cheaper Brands</li>
- Instant Pot: 5 Things NOT to Do.
Please CONTACT ME if you’d like something reviewed. If applicable, I will share my research and schedule it for a facebook live. Why do the research if I’ve already done it? I do want these to be useful so send me your ideas!
Head over to my facebook page and get notified when I’m going live next. See you soon!