People who set goals are more successful. It’s not my opinion. It’s backed by science and countless research. Therefore, goal setting for kids is important. Why not start this skill right away?
It’s not enough to say to our kids “do your best“. It’s just not.
Goal setting shouldn’t only be for adults! (Although…hint hint …here is a template for adults.) Kids need this skill and guidance too! Below is a worksheet designed to help kids list goals and evaluate the upcoming year.
My oldest son turned 6 a few weeks ago and we did his first “goal session”. We want him to learn this skill EARLY. It was more fun than I expected and very rewarding.
Disclaimer: this isn’t a NATURAL skill. Their goals should reflect their age and personality! Don’t take this too seriously. They will understand more the following year when you show them the previous year’s goals. Be patient! My son’s first goal sheet (for 2019) included Legos, riding a bike and memory verses. It’s pretty dang cute.
Why Kids Need to Learn Goal Setting
- It pushes them to take responsibility for their own learning, projects and life skills,:om
- it clearly identifies areas important to them and my favorite reason…
- it establishes a life-long vital skill
I created a colorful worksheet you could use with your kids. It worked great with mine and it was fun dreaming with him and talking about his 6 year-old ideas. A “Thankfulness chart” and “questions to ask” about the previous year sheet is also included . I found this page helped get their mind working.
Let me know what you think! Also, please share with other parents! I found this goal sheet to be very helpful in various
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”
Zig Ziglar
Download the Goal Setting Worksheet here
We did this yesterday (my kids are girls aged 12 and 14) and it sparked some really insightful conversations and, I hope, deeper thoughts about values and goals. I especially liked the questions about looking back at the last year and making an assessment.
This makes me so happy to hear! Please feel free to share with your friends and hopefully encourage other parents to follow your lead! I’d love to hear any feedback you may have on the form as well!
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